Emmy Sinclair is your typical fiery Scottish redhead. A skilled pilot who picked up forgery and grifting on the street. She can, and will, drink you under the table.
Emmy is a woman of average height but shockingly built. Spending her formative years in the back alley streets of Forth Bay on Gaelia made her a shockingly capable acrobat. To sum up, she can curse like a sailor, drink him under the table, knock him out when he gets belligerent, and get away from his angry crew.
Despite her hard living, Emmy prefers to view life through a cheerful lens. She actively finds joy in everything she can. When things get too rough and tumble, Emmy's stress tends to come out in surprising ways. Typically, the first sign of stress is her accent slipping back into her native "braid Scots" with the next indication being violence. The first time Janson pushed her too hard, she flipped him over a table and dislocated his shoulder. They were best friends after that.
Emmy Sinclair never knew her parents. She was given up to the Gaelia foster system as a newborn, and her birth parents, whoever they were, did not even give her a name. The state-assigned caseworker was the one to give her the name Emmeline Sinclair. Unlike Anya, who enjoyed a relatively comfortable time in the Augustan foster system, Emmy experienced the darker side of the coin. By the time she was 10, she had already realized that if she wanted anything for herself in life, she had to take it.
She ran away from her third, and easily the worst, foster home and struck out on our own, eventually coming to live with a gang of other lost children. From them, she learned the basic thief skills of lock picking and pickpocketing. She also learned that she had a natural talent for forgery. This one skill would eventually open the doors to her future.
Emmy learned one lesson on the streets very quickly: trust is a precious commodity that people have to earn. Family applies only to those who have earned that kind of trust. It's taken years for her to extend that trust to the entire Chilkoot crew.
As for her personal life, Emmy initially feared sex, as it was so often held over her as a threat, either a threat against her directly, or a threat to hand her over to one of the less picky brothels.
It wasn't until she was gainfully employed as a commercial shuttle pilot that she overcame those early traumas and found some enjoyment in that side of the human experience. Since then, Emmy hasn't been shy about engaging in brief, non-emotional flings, though she places herself firmly in the aromantic category.
Emmy has no time for gods. To her mind, if none of them could be bothered to help her out on the streets, then she owes them nothing.
About the only religion she has any interest in is the Church of Memetic Intelligence, because in her experience with the Galaxy, this faith seems the closest to her lived experience.
When Emmy ran away from her last foster home, she fell in quickly with a gang of street kids led by a cruel young woman named Neena who wielded fear like a cleaver to keep the kids inline. She would frequently threaten to sell off troublemakers to brothels, a threat that she routinely made good on to enforce her will. At first, Emmy lived in near-perpetual fear of Neena, but as she grew older, she realized that she had picked up enough skills to make her useful, at least until she could find away to survive on her own or replace Neena with someone kinder.
Eventually, both options came to pass. Emmy, honing her grifter skills, slowly manipulated situations in the gang to push several of the older kids into a confrontation with Neena that saw Neena forced to flee into the services of one of the brothels that she sold kids to. The collection of older kids eventually caused the group to fragment, and when each group went their own way, Emmy struck off on her own in the chaos.
She had discovered a talent for forgery, one that she kept from everyone else in the gang. When the opportunity to strike off alone came up, she grabbed a set of forged ID documents that she had created and hopped a municipal shuttle to Loch Robert. When she arrived there she found herself a minimum wage job and some government housing while she worked at night as a forger. It took some time to build up enough trust with the local underground to begin getting work, but once she did, she was able to quit her job, move to her own apartment, and by the time she turned 18, she was well connected enough to begin planning for her exit from Gaelia.
Using her connections, she found some pilots who would trade flying lessons for forgery work. She proved to be a capable hand with smaller craft, even if no one (including herself) ever expected her to be an ace fighter pilot. At the same time, Emmy began planting some clues that would make Inverness, and Gaelia in general, too hot for her, which would provide her the perfect exit from the underworld, an exit that her various contacts would both accept and even encourage. Especially if she went to them as a scared young woman looking for advice. By the end of 2682, Emmy was onboard a transport to Aberdeen, where she used forged documents to secure employment as a commercial pilot, transporting people and cargo between Havenshire and Farsky Station.
Emmy worked as a commercial pilot for around three years before misfortune caught up with her and she found herself embroiled in a hostage situation. A disgruntled revolutionary group, who wanted the Highlands Cluster to become a fully independent government, hijacked five shuttles with the intention of ramming them into the populated sections of Farksky Station.
Their plan was a poor one overall, as two of the "strike teams" were apprehended before they could even board shuttles, another one lost their nerves, and of the other two, both were stopped by the crew and passengers of the shuttles they attempted to hijack. The official story was that the crews of the shuttles rallied with the passengers and took down the terrorists.
The reality was that only one shuttle had people onboard willing to fight back. Emmy Sinclair had the good fortune to be carrying Walker d'Ardenne to Farsky Station, and after the hijackers took over, d'Ardenne found a willing conspirator in Sinclair. Her knowledge of the shuttle, along with her underworld experience, made her the perfect person for d'Ardenne to use to protect what he perceives as his station.
Together, they disabled the shuttle and conned the hijackers into thinking that the whole shuttle was about to explode and that the airlock was an escape pod. Aberdeen System Patrol recovered the vacuum-frozen bodies after the incident. Walker also arranged for ASP to detain and board the second hijacked shuttle before they could even figure out how to make it move.
Emmy was awarded for her efforts by being fired after ASP took too hard a look at her documents. Her unemployment lasted for all of twelve minutes.
Walker d'Ardenne was waiting outside the corporate offices on Farsky Station and offered Emmy a job with West Isles before they reached the elevators. By the time they reached the Gallery Walk level, Emmy had accepted. It was on this particular trip to Farsky that convinced d'Ardenne to buy one of the Keel Towers and move West Isles' official headquarters to the station.
d'Ardenne bought Emmy a ticket on a luxury transport to Calysto where she would meet up with him and Janson. d'Ardenne notably did not give her any new documents, something Emmy realized once they were underway. She spent the rest of the trip honing her grifting skills until she had access to everything she needed to fabricate her new documents. Along the way, she uncovered a smuggling ring. Instead of turning them in, she flipped several key members of the operation.
When she met up with d'Ardenne and Janson at Corona Astra, she had the new leaders of the smuggling ring with her. Just like that, West Isles had its first courier crew. d'Ardenne helped them refine their smuggling practices and allowed them to continue doing so provided they make sure official business is handled first and that the company receives a ten percent share of any smuggling profits.