The League Government is based on the government of the former United States of America. It has three branches:
The executive branch is headed by a President and a Vice President. The President is allowed to form a cabinet and departments in his branch as he sees fit. All members of the Executive Branch serve at the pleasure of the president.
Called the 'Worlds Congress', there are two main bodies: Parliament and the General Assembly.
Parliament representatives each represent an equal area of population. These districts are drawn via an algorithm that maximizes contested elections where possible, (making it more difficult for incumbents) are are redrawn every ten years, or by special vote of the General Assembly. Parliamentary Representatives are bound by the 'rule of thirds'. Their vote on any legislation may be bound by those they represent. If two thirds of their constituents vote on an issue, they must vote in accordance with "the clear majority". If the vote is contested, they may choose between the top options as they see fit. However, if less than two thirds, but more than a single third of their constituents vote, they are required to either vote with the clear majority, or issue a formal statement about why they did not vote with the majority of who they represent.
Parliament has two duties. The first is to write legislation, and once they are satisfied, send it to the General Assembly for Ratification. The second is to review standing laws and with a two-thirds vote send legislation back to the General Assembly for re-ratification. If not passed in the General Assembly, the law is struck down.
The General Assembly is made of one representative of each world or colony. They are elected by votes on their own worlds, and elected every six years.
The GA's duty is to debate and ratify legislation from Parliament. Legislation must pass by a simple majority. Once passed, the Judicial branch has the option for review. If they do not take it, it is sent to the President to sign. He can then chose to reject it, which forces a Judicial Review, or sign it into law. If he rejects it, and the Judicial Review passes, then the General Assembly has the option to force it into law if two thirds of the General Assembly agree.
Additionally, the General Assembly is required to vote on public referendums. If the referendum has more than the minimum number of supporters (based on percentage of population), the GA is required to put it up as an official Public Referendum. After a review period of no less than 90 and no more than 500 days, the GA is required to vote on it. If ratified, it becomes binding to both Parliament and the GA to pass official legislation "with a minimum of delay."
The Judicial Branch is made up of many courts, as well as the Justice Department.
The Supreme Court has two duties: first to review legislation from the General Assembly, ensuring it is consistent and constitutional. The second is to settle court cases the lower courts can't agree upon.
Supreme Court membership is a life anointment, and there is no limit to how many Justices can sit on the Supreme Court. Currently, there's 1776 justices, and it's been unofficially held to that number for the last few centuries. When a case is to be heard, a panel of 5 Justices is selected at random to hear the case.