Zee is an enigma from one end to the other. They approached Linore one evening, asking if it was true she has connections to Simon. When Linore indicated that she once had, but all ties were severed, Zee simply said, "Hire me, on the condition if we ever get the chance to kill that son of a bitch, you let me do it. In return, I will protect you and yours with my life."
From that point forward, Zee has been an unquestioning member of Bedlam, following whatever Linore says and doing their best to keep anyone from learning too much about them or their past.
However, when it comes time to protect those they've sworn to protect, Zee will stop at nothing to keep them safe. While Zee seems to detest violence, they have no hesitation in handing out death and destruction in generous amounts.
... (Prosthetic Left Arm)
(Former Bloodsign member)
Zee views Linore as the only other person in the universe who can understand just what it's like to be ravaged by Simon. In their mind, even Ginerva's experience (despite being the most similar to theirs) was because she's an awful person who deserved it. Linore (like Zee's view of themselves) was innocent. This belies the fact that Linore was (and arguably is) in love with Simon. Zee simply sees that as more of a sign at just how horrible Simon's manipulations were.
Zee respects Linore more than anyone else on the crew.
Zee doesn't get Hessa's who deal, but they understand they don't have to. Hessa is pleasant enough, though Zee doesn't like how probing she is, or how intelligent she seems to be despite her attempts to come off as an airhead. Zee is wary around her, but not for any good reason. Just someone who sees the world like she does is someone Zee thinks of as dangerous.
The only thing that keeps Zee from putting Ginerva out of everyone's misery is the fact that she's a member of the crew, and it's Zee's job to protect them. Zee hates everything about Ginerva, and avoids the scientist specifically. They would just as soon leave them behind, if their sense of duty allowed it.
Zee has urged Linore to remove Ginerva from the crew as quickly as possible. Since that doesn't seem to be happening, Zee has simply resolved to avoiding and ignoring Ginerva instead.
Zee views Leist in an unexpectedly fond way. There's something about the small woman and her complete lack of awareness of anything else going on that was endearing to Zee. They found themselves smiling when they had to keep something from falling on Leist because she didn't notice it, or otherwise had to keep her from harm. For her part, Leist seemed to adopt Zee without a word or acknowledgement, simply accepting Zee's presence and moving on.
It's not uncommon for Leist to be found sleeping in the most awkward spots, like she just ran out of batteries and passed out in the middle of whatever she was doing. Zee had taken to picking the small woman up and holding her, watching over her till she wakes up. As soon as Leist realized this was a thing, she simply started seeking Zee out and curling up in Zee's lap without a word. The two often share a bunk now, though Zee is very clear that it's simple because Leist gets better sleep when Zee can watch over her.
Zee hates the snickering, and comments about the two of them dating. Zee has no interest in such things, least of all with a woman incapable of even remembering to eat. Still, Zee can't deny that they will probably follow Leist wherever she goes next. To watch out for her, clearly.
Zee hates Simon more than any other being in this universe. They had a run in a long time ago, and Zee thought themselves an Angel of Death, torturing and killing to fulfill their own sadistic desires. However, they made the mistake of targeting someone Simon had decided not to target, because they reminded him of someone from his past.
In return Simon spent weeks torturing Zee, breaking them, and forcing them to promise to never return to their serial killer ways. As a sign of their pact, Simon took their left arm. It was intended as a constant reminder that Simon could take anything he wanted from them, at any time.