The Intergalactic Security Council (ISC) is an advisory body created by the League to give their allies a say in how the League operates, as well as a place to draft and ratify new treaties with members of the council or to allow other members to act as arbitrators between members if either side petitions the council.
The ISC is administered by the Joint Chiefs, with each being able to sit and listen, though the Joint Chiefs vote collectively get a single vote. Each other member gets a vote, with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs acting as a tie breaker.
The current members are:
The primary role of the ISC is to act as an advisory board to the League Joint Chiefs, which then take their findings to the President of the League. There is no obligation to follow any of the recommendations of the ISC.
A secondary (but equally useful) function is to act as arbitor of any disputes between members, and/or to ratify and approve treaties between members. This has become the primary way trade deals, defense treaties and other diplomatic functions are performed in the League.
The ISC also hears petitions from non-members, such as independant worlds in Freelance space, or larger organizations like the Highlands Cluster. These members are able to petition for either arbitration between the entire council, or for trade deals with members.